$user = $ENV{REMOTE_USER};
$passwd1 = $ENV{QUERY_passwd1};
$passwd2 = $ENV{QUERY_passwd2};
if ($method ne 'POST') {
print "Status: 302\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "Location: ./\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print "
Temporary redirect\n";
print "Temporary redirect
print "continue\n";
if ($passwd1 ne $passwd2) {
print "Status: 302\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "Location: changepass-nomatch.html\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print "Temporary redirect\n";
print "Temporary redirect
print "continue\n";
srand(time ^ $$);
$salt = substr($cryptalpha, rand(64), 1) . substr($cryptalpha, rand(64), 1);
$encpwd = crypt($passwd1, $salt);
if (!open (IN, "<$htpasswdfile")) {
print "Status: 500\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print "Server Error\n";
print "Server Error
print "Could not open old password file: $!\n";
if (!open (OUT, ">$htpasswdfile.$$")) {
print "Status: 500\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print "Server Error\n";
print "Server Error
print "Could not open new password file: $!\n";
while () {
($fileuser, $fileencpwd) = split(/[:\n]/);
if ($fileuser eq $user) {
$fileencpwd = $encpwd;
print OUT "$fileuser:$fileencpwd\n";
if (!close(OUT)) {
print "Status: 500\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print "Server Error\n";
print "Server Error
print "Could not close new password file: $!\n";
if (!rename ("$htpasswdfile.$$", "$htpasswdfile")) {
print "Status: 500\r\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print "Server Error\n";
print "Server Error
print "Could switch password files: $!\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
print "Refresh: 5; url=https://autsch.hjp.at/mod/\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print "Password changed\n";
print "\n";
print "Password changed
print "The new encrypted password is $encpwd\n";
print "
You will be asked to enter your new password in a few seconds";
print " or when you try to continue.\n";