=head1 NAME

check_badmailfrom - checks the standard badmailfrom config


Reads the "badmailfrom" configuration like qmail-smtpd does.  From the
qmail-smtpd docs:

"Unacceptable envelope sender addresses.  qmail-smtpd will reject every
recipient address for a message if the envelope sender address is
listed in badmailfrom.  A line in badmailfrom may be of the form
@host, meaning every address at host."


sub register {
  my ($self, $qp) = @_;
  $self->register_hook("mail", "mail_handler");
  $self->register_hook("rcpt", "rcpt_handler");

sub mail_handler {
  my ($self, $transaction, $sender) = @_;

  my @badmailfrom = $self->qp->config("badmailfrom")
    or return (DECLINED);

  return (DECLINED) unless ($sender->format ne "<>"
			    and $sender->host && $sender->user);

  my $host = lc $sender->host;
  my $from = lc($sender->user) . '@' . $host;

  for my $bad (@badmailfrom) {
    $bad =~ s/^\s*(\S+).*/$1/;
    next unless $bad;
    $bad = lc $bad;
    warn "Bad badmailfrom config: No \@ sign in $bad\n" and next unless $bad =~ m/\@/;
    $transaction->notes('badmailfrom', "Mail from $bad not accepted here")
      if ($bad eq $from)
      || (substr($bad,0,1) eq '@' && $bad eq "\@$host");
  return (DECLINED);

sub rcpt_handler {
  my ($self, $transaction, $rcpt) = @_;
  my $note = $transaction->notes('badmailfrom');
  return (DENY, $note) if $note;
  return (DECLINED);